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  About is the site about the life and work of Jon Boyd, especially his ministry with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.

You'll find articles here grouped mainly under the following four departments:

  • Ministry includes information and updates about my work with InterVarsity's Graduate & Faculty Ministries.

  • News offers updates about my personal and family life, including church life and some of my other projects.

  • The Reviews department gives me a chance to pass along notes, raves, and sometimes warnings about books, music, and movies.

  • The Words department is my spot for writing about words, language, lexicography, and etymology.

There are also other miscellaneous pages, including a brief biography, this "about" page itself, and the privacy policy.

My objective at is to be fully informative about my work — and to provide some fun at the same time. I hope that any number of items published here will go above and beyond in offering you "value-added" features (perhaps particularly in the Reviews and Words sections). Though the site is intended to focus primarily on my ministry with InterVarsity, my editorial philosophy here is like Samuel Johnson's, in his Plan for a Dictionary of the English Language (1747):

[I]t is rather to be wished that many readers should find more than they expect, than that one should miss what he might hope to find.

Unless otherwise noted, all site design, development, and content at is by Jon Boyd. Deserving of special mention is Brad Farris, whose technical assistance has been invaluable.

Selected Media Links

Some links (especially in the Reviews department) are built through the Amazon Associates and iTunes Affiliates programs, and so I will receive a tiny percentage of all revenues they derive from sales I refer to them. I am certainly not pressuring you to buy any of these books, movies, or recordings — but as you can imagine I don't want to pass up the opportunity to add an additional revenue stream when it comes at no cost to me and at no cost to you.

Technology & Design Notes

Toronto Sushi Bar
Jon enjoying Canada's largest floating sushi bar (Toronto, April 2003).
photo: Jim Boyd is HTML, some of which is built by hand or with custom, flat templates (mostly using Dreamweaver MX); some of which is generated on the fly by PHP; and some of which is managed by Movable Type.

I aim to comply with web standards, and the site validates as CSS compliant. Most pages at validate as XHTML 1.0 compliant. For the time being, the content of some pages fails to validate (but never the design); you can cry about it if you like.

Speaking of which, for background information about my other publishing endeavors (online and off), see my Octothorp Press site. There you'll find, among other madness, information about some of my more significant design inspirations.


Contact Info

If you'd like to get in touch with me, please use this web form to send me email. I'll look forward to hearing from you.

  Valid XHTML 1.0!  
  about   contact is produced by the Octothorp Press, Chicago
© 2003-2010 by Jonathan Boyd
rev. 2007.07.12
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