I've been surprised to discover that the internet (or, I should say, the web) seems to lack good information about false generics — terms or phrases that are actually specific but are used generally for a whole class.
In an effort to fill the gap, I'll start a list here. Obviously,
many of these will be brand names — so I'll be keeping
my eye out particularly for ones that aren't.
Also of interest are what I might call "false specifics" (listed
below), which are the mirror image of their over-reaching cousins.
That is, if a
false generic makes the mistake of "small used for big," then
a false specific is "big for small." I'm guessing
many of these are euphemisms, so I'll be less interested
Can you think of an interesting false generic or specific
that I don't have here? Or do you need to dispute my judgment?
Please let me know by
email, and if I publish your contribution you'll get full
props. The newest additions are shown at the top of each list.
False Generics
Last update: June 27, 2008
generic |
notes and references |
novocaine |
for Novocain, in reference to procaine
or any oral anaesthetic [2] |
Freon |
Crock-Pot |
when it refers to any slow cooker |
listserv |
Drano |
[2] |
Roto-Rooter |
[2] |
Dixie cup |
Super Ball |
X-Acto knife |
Velcro |
mace |
when it refers to any pepper
spray (or as formerly, aerosolized tear gas) |
Scantron |
Victrola |
overhead |
when it refers to any projector
for meetings |
Champagne |
when it refers to any sparkling
white wine |
nylons |
when it refers to sheer
stockings made of any material [8] |
Tums |
[8] |
Halls |
when it means any menthol
cough drop |
Pam |
when it means
any spray-on cooking oil [10] |
tennis shoes |
[9] |
Play-Doh |
[9] |
Ramen |
[9] |
Slurpee |
butter |
when it means any spread [8] |
Crisco |
[7] |
Blizzard |
when it means any "mix-in"
ice cream dessert [7] |
cable |
when it means any non-broadcast
television transmission method [7] |
Styrofoam |
rain check |
iPod |
when it means Walkman <er,
I mean> any portable music player [2] |
tin |
when it refers to a container
made of any metal (and then it's also a false
specific) |
terrain |
when it refers to extraterrestrial
topography (example) |
Sterno |
[6] |
Cuisinart |
dairy |
when it includes eggs |
Ex-Lax |
ScotchGard |
TiVo |
Shop-Vac |
Harlequin romance |
The Club |
when it means any steering-wheel
lock |
Astroturf |
Plexiglas |
[1] |
Cyclone fence |
chicken wire |
Teflon |
when it means any non-stick
surface |
Weed Whacker |
in two ways: cuts more than
weeds, includes more than the single trademark |
JumboTron |
PowerPoint |
when it means any video slideshow [1] |
Tupperware |
Dustbuster |
[4] |
Q-tip |
[5] |
Saranwrap |
[5] |
Latino |
when it refers to Latin Americans
(see Ilan Stavans, Latino U.S.A.) [4] |
Pyrex |
linoleum |
Speedo |
when it means a men's bikini
swimsuit |
Vaseline |
when it means petroleum jelly |
Weber |
when it means any charcoal
grill [1] |
Winnebago |
when it means any RV [1] |
Windex |
[1] |
Eskimo pie |
Frisbee |
[3] |
Softsoap |
Ruffles |
when it means any ridged potato
chip |
Rollerblades |
Chapstick |
[1] |
Magic Marker |
Walkman |
Popsicle |
also Fudgesicle, etc. |
Jello (that is,
Jell-O) |
[1] |
Jacuzzi |
Nalgene |
Post-It |
cell phone
and car phone |
[1] |
Band-Aid |
[1] |
Polo shirt |
[1] |
Ziploc |
[1] |
Scotch tape |
[2] |
classical music |
when it means non-folk or
-pop music |
stomach |
when it means any internal
organ |
Acrobat |
when it means PDF |
PC |
fascist |
when it doesn't mean the historic
Italian political party |
Coke |
Kleenex |
La-Z-Boy |
man |
Thermos |
Xerox |
False Specifics
Last update: June 27, 2008
false specific |
notes and references |
egg |
when it means a hen's egg |
the service |
when it means military service |
milk |
when it means cow's milk |
black box |
when it refers to an aircraft's
cockpit-voice or flight-data recorder |
underwear |
when it means underpants [8] |
tin |
when it refers to a "tin"
can (and then it's also a false generic) |
cards |
when it refers to playing
cards [2] |
radio |
when it means audio broadcasts |
Latino |
since it doesn't include speakers
of any Romance language [4] |
natural gas |
day |
when it means working hours |
Apple |
when it means Macintosh |
American |
school |
when it means college |
PC |
when it means a computer running
Windows |
record or album |
when they mean LP |
Internet |
when it means Web |
- Brad Farris
- Mark Moskovitz
- Emmett Tomai
- Adrian Perez
- Chelsea Guest Perez
- Toni Rosa
- Linda Becker
- Ann Boyd
- Kirra Pope
- Eric Brummitt